I Sing Of Gabrielle... (The Friendliest Friend Of Xena!) Poem by Denis Martindale

I Sing Of Gabrielle... (The Friendliest Friend Of Xena!)

In tribute to the brave young bard, I sing of Gabrielle.
To fall in love with her's not hard, as far as I can tell!
Though once she was a giggling girl who mostly stayed at home,
The first day watching Xena twirl was when she strayed to roam.
She followed Xena town to town - adventure filled her thoughts!
Gabrielle hoped she'd track her down according to reports...
At last she found her lifelong friend, her soulmate night and day!
She was her sidekick till the end and loved her come what may!
She scratched on scrolls with eloquence the dramas that she saw!
She pounded heads, yes, mostly mens, in times of peace and war!
She broke some hearts along the way with kisses that she'd save!
Her highest love caused her to pray for Xena, oh so brave!
Together, as a team, they fought, for love, for joy and peace...
And with each victory gained they taught the Gods from Gaul to Greece!
Their love transcends the physical for courage blessed each one!
Their love was like a miracle the Fates themselves had spun!
No God or man, no friend or foe, could break apart love's bond,
This destiny that both must know endured death and beyond!
How blessed are they who've kissed the lips of gorgeous Gabrielle!
She's more than acrobatic flips... She's a truly precious girl...

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