I The Captain Poem by Randy McClave

I The Captain

I the Captain sitting alone on my boat
I the Captain about which many have wrote,
We fought pirates and was even attacked by a whale
We even escorted damned souls straight to Hell.
Now on my vessel in solitude I float.

I the Captain sitting alone without a crew
I the Captain knowing not what else to do,
No one to weigh the anchor or to release the line
Waiting to sail again for that adventure I do whine.
I need to sail underneath the skies of blue.

I the Captain sitting alone in the Marina
I the Captain wishing it was a floating battle arena,
Sadly though, I am nowhere bound
No adventures to be seen or found.
I the Captain, now in search of a Cantina.

I the Captain sitting alone at the pier
I the Captain sitting without a crew or fear,
Wishing for a crew to sail the river and the Little Sandy
Wishing for a first mate hopefully said I, Captain Randy.
I the Captain, waiting by the boat's wheel to steer.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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