I Think We Were Never Strangers Poem by Patti Masterman

I Think We Were Never Strangers

Rating: 5.0

I think we were never strangers-
I think we were always friends;
Standing shyly across the room
Just waiting- to begin/

I think I dropped a curtsy
I think you kissed my hand-
And then we started in to dance
Accompanied by the band/

Men and women dancing
Is far older than the wheel;
Older than the glowing fire
Or the warmth that embers feel/

And we will go on dancing
Till they turn out the lights-
And we'll just go on whirling, whirling
Until the stars say goodnight/

I think we were never strangers;
For we met in each others dreams,
And reality stepped aside for once
In the playing firelight's gleam/

Smoky Hoss 07 October 2014

Absolutely beautiful words. Spiritual even. You never cease to amaze with the depth of your soul. One of the best poems I have yet read. Bravo!

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Blue Dragonfly 29 July 2012

This one just warms the romantic heart to overflowing and brings such wonderful hues of delight to the visions created by this beautiful poetry. Thank you for it

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Leather Sandal 04 November 2011

I just read this and think it is one of the very best I have seen. You are such an artist with so much heart.

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Jim Troy 21 August 2011

This is the most magnificent poem I ever read

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