I Tried.... But Failed.. Yet Once Again.. Poem by I wish i was as invisable as he made me feel

I Tried.... But Failed.. Yet Once Again..

Rating: 5.0

I tried to smile...
but it felt so wrong...
i don't know why...
i just don't think i should be smiling,
when you can't be here to smile along side of me..
i would give anything ot have you back..
but i don't think i miss you,
i miss the person i thought you were.......
but as i see you with her....
reality hits...
after all my tears...
i see you havent been hurting at all...
you didn't miss me...
i don't think you even noticed i was gone!
God dammit i love you....
why can't you see that? ? ?
I just can't go on baby...
i guess if ur not hurting, and didn't realise i was gone..
there is no point in me being here then? ?
if im nothing in ur eyes,
what's the point in living a life...
i gave you all the love i had...
and now here i am...
all alone..
yet once again........
im over this one time fling...
but it wasn't once was it...
we were the couple of the year you said...
i was ur baby girl...
i was ur everything..
but if i was ur everything and you just left me,
wouldn't you have nothing? ? ?
i highly doubt that...
cos ur standing right infront of me...
with her...........
i can't believe i cried over you..
actually i can.... you were worth those tears...
but your not worth the pain...
but i can't stop it...
i never knew you can keep hurting long after you think you've stopped..
but now i know it's true...
im sorry..
but you left me no choice..........
once again...
love i despise...
and im torn between opening up to you and hurting myself...
answer is obvious...
you wouldn't care about how i feel....
so here i go again...
tell mum i love her..
tell daddy i hate him for what he has done...
give my baby boi lots of kisses...
and as i lie here on my death bed i realise..
most people take thier lives from people that hurt them...
not or the right reasons...
always heart break....
good bye xxxxxxxxxxx

Red Blooded Black Hearted 04 December 2007

OMG Kaila is this the guy u told me u were wid 2 wks ago when u sd u finaly had a bf? ? ? If yes then I'm sorry this happened... The male speacies can b difficult sometimes, this is how I felt with my second to last bf. Hope u find ur knite in shining armour soon.

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