I Truly Loved Her Poem by Randy McClave

I Truly Loved Her

I once told a woman that I truly loved her
But, with the same words she never did once concur,
The same feelings she never did once return
My soul and my love was none of her concern.
I then went one whole day without contacting her at all
Either by a text, or by email or post or even a call,
A feat to which she knew that I could never accomplish
(She was my mind my thoughts, my prayers unto her I did astonish) .
Then hour after hour there was no contact from me
She couldn't believe there was nothing for her to listen to or to see,
Then during that time she reread the notes and messages I had sent
She then remembered all the gifts and thoughts that I gave her without repent.
She then finally fell in love with me right there and then
I had finally scored my life's greatest victory and my biggest win,
Then after 24 hours I never contacted her, now my love
She then waited and still no contact from me who she was now thinking of.
Sadly she could never contact me ever again any more
Thinking about her and loving her will never again be my joy, and happy chore,
Why I wasn't contacting her she needed to find out the answer
She did, when she found out that I had died alone of cancer.

Someday, someone might knock on your door, just one time
Sometime, someone might call you, without reason or rhyme,
You might not know why they are really and truthfully calling
But, in love with you they might deeply be falling.
Someday, someone might ask you a question pertaining to you just once
Sometime, someone might make a post about love just only once,
Then maybe in days, weeks, months or maybe even in years
You will then had wished that you had opened that door with joyful tears.
One day you might look out your window and think just what if
One day you might remember a long ago forgotten whiff,
Then one day you might see a familiar shaped cloud
And how it now makes you momentarily happy and proud.
Soon one day you might remember or find a hidden gift
You might remember how it was given to you with love to give you a lift,
And sadly now how you feel or see no happiness there
And how now you finally miss that true love and desire and care.
Someday you will have wished that you had answered the phone
Sometime you will had wished you answered the question instead of leaving it alone,
And one day you will cry because you never reacted to that one post
I will never bother you again, no more, because now I am dead a ghost.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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