I'Ve Not Forgotten You At All, My Love Poem by Hebert Logerie

I'Ve Not Forgotten You At All, My Love

Rating: 5.0

My love, my angel, I've not forgotten you,
When warmly, you came to my rescue,
When you coaxed and covered me with kisses,
At which point I became strong and crazy.

I have not forgotten thy sweet and sexy eyes,
Which hunted the bitterness of my melancholy.
I have never forgotten your juicy kisses,
At which point I became strong and crazy.

Your smile is crystallized in the depths of myself,
Today I want to tell you how much I love you,
With all my strength, in a few words, in a short verse.

Angel of my spring, you occupy my universe,
You are the flame that warmed me up, the torch that lightened my pew,
The star that energized me, and the woman that gave me a gentle goose flesh.

Sunday, January 25, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Phanice Wamukota 12 July 2015

I love this poem. Each word in its position.

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