I Wait For Some Rain Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

I Wait For Some Rain

It is long since I wrote,
Or utter'd quotable quote,
For, nothing truly troubles within,
Nor birth pangs of new sparks I feel;
No magic of sprouts shooting from seed,
Nor blossoming of flowers from bud
I feel in soul stirring me;
It's all levell'd, motionless, flat
Like endless spread of Arabian desert:
Dry and tasteless, stir-less and still;
No ride upwards, nor move downward,
No pain or pleasure, or live dreams -
Like endless ocean lying around;
What can sprout in this barren land?
What hopes firm up in lifeless sand?
I feel like lost in endless night,
Groping for what I myself know not;
No hunger or thirst reaches my shore,
A spiritless peace envelops all.

I wait for some rain
To drench me from head to heel
And flush out stagnancy stinking around;
I want some thunder
To stir me out
And flash of lightning
To instill hope;
It be winter or summer
Or autumn or spring,
All are welcome
To stir me from sleep;
For, life is not quiet graveyard
Of stillness and complacence,
But a challenge to face, win or lose,
And fill the soul with thrills of life
Those sprout as sparks to write and quote.

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