I Want It Back Poem by Bev Hills

I Want It Back

Rating: 4.5

You took it
I want it back.

I offered a kiss
I didn't offer that.

I was fourteen and you were twenty-one - you should have known better…

I was not ready to be lying on my back
Legs forced open and that was that.


One shall not force oneself upon another, and need to respect the others' right to say no. And once that is taken away, one need to understand that it cannot be returned or reinstated. Pertinent issue discussed in most subtle words

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Sexual intercourse with a girl or boy below the age of consent invites criminal procedure. In India we have separate law to deal with such crimes under POCSO Act

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Bri Edwards 08 October 2024

I've made this poem a Favorite and given it 5 stars *****. I'll look at another of yours. : ) bri

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Bri Edwards 08 October 2024

I wrote a poem (on PH) with rape as one of its topics, sent it to my sister, and she responded via email with 'Gross'. She hasn't spoken to me since.: ( bri

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Bri Edwards 08 October 2024

Bev, If you indeed were raped, I hope you have suffered no more than emotional consequences, ...not that such consequences should be downplayed, ignored, or worse.

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And, dear poet, congratulations for your forthright expression and congratulations on POD

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