I Will Stand Not Fall Poem by Felix Otiende

I Will Stand Not Fall

I had fallen in love not once or twice, but this time am not falling for this.
I want to stand, yes this time am standing for this love.
I dearly remember the pillars, trying each day to rehearse all of them.
So quick you made me forget the turmoils left in my heart, forgot the tears that were not worth the cry, and erased the memories that brought fears and cries.
I won't promise a perfect relationship, be ready for ups and downs, but in our low times, I will stand up for us.
Every day I think of us, I see a future, a future so bright but can't tell if we'll reach there, because the journey is long, rocky and stormy.
I wish I would be perfect but am not, I wasn't born to be anyway, but through my imperfections you'll see a cool person.
I know I may be too demanding or stubborn at times but that doesn't prove lesser love for you.
When I say I love you I mean it hope you do too....I'll cross any bridge for the people I love, I wish it will be this way forever.
I can go on and on writing for days without stopping, but lemme put my full stop here for a better tomorrow.... I love you.

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