I Would Like To Return To The Forest, Poem by Liza Sud

I Would Like To Return To The Forest,

I would like to return to the forest,
where verses would hung on tree pins
and all would await for a child, holy,
and all kids of the village would read.

I would like to return to the forest,
where the sun would shine through the pines,
and everyone would know: what is broken,
will become whole under the God's sun.

I would like to return to the forest,
where wonders is the way of life.
people are kind, all things are in common,
wait for everyone to fall in love.

I would like to return to the forest,
where when resurrected, we'll gather,
and of my dreams eternally-splendid,
will be only from happiness drunkards.

Я хотела бы в лес возвратиться,
где б висели стихи на иголках,
и все б ждали святого ребенка,
их читали б все дети поселка.

Я хотела бы в лес возвратиться,
где бы солнце сияло сквозь сосны,
и все знали бы: что разобьется,
то под Божиим солнцем срастется.

Я хотела бы в лес возвратиться,
где все только и знают, что чудо,
и все общее: добрые люди,
и ждут каждого, чтобы влюбиться.

Я хотела бы в лес возвратиться,
куда все бы собрались, воскреснув,
и из снов моих вечно-чудесных,
можно было бы счастьем напиться.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: dream,happy
Daniel Brick 17 December 2016

Your repeated opening line has so many possibilities for good things to become real things, and your stanzas are packed with sheer goodness, And it happens with such effortless confidence that ALL IS POSSIBLE. In a sense, this is a poem about what life could be had there been no Fall from Eden. And so I see this poem as a vision of that possibility. OR the poem could be a vision of a second Eden, from which humanity will not be expelled because there will be no original sin this time. OR you could giving people of our time a parable] This is what God wants for you, I am here to give you this additional Good News, will you be here now to receive it in true faith? In any of these possibilities you express the abundant hope of the Christian Faith. And at this time of Christmas which is the beginning of the story of redemption such an expression of hope seems very much a reality. It's a beautiful poem, Liza.

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