If Tonight Was The Last Night Poem by Ludolf Dauphin

If Tonight Was The Last Night

If tonight was the last night
I would have liked to have spent yesterday with you
and the day before
But since tonight is the first night
I still hope I had spent yesterday with you

Because loving you
brings the heart the true meaning of life
even if love not yet sure of its plight
As love ponders within
Scuffles Interpersonal conflicts
Heart shackles of fear
Fear of being hurt
I still love you though
Maybe even enjoying life just a hint more
which no longer generates from loneliness?

Just because love is loving you
Everything reminding me of you
The morning dew,
The forgotten stars
more so the cold wintry night, also
darkness is at its brightest because of you
even when the moon is no more

One look into each other's eyes
One Knows
How easily we give ourselves to each other
because you love me
I do not have to love you
And because I love you
Doesn't mean you have to love me?
still, we love each other
What if neither of us is the one
What then?
Would you still haunt me
As I haunt you
Everywhere we have been
And anywhere we have yet to go

Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Bernard F. Asuncion 13 December 2018

Ludolf, such a lovely poem.........................

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Rajnish Manga 12 December 2018

How easily we give ourselves to each other because you love.... //.... Absolutely fabulous. Love is timeless.

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