Imagery Of A Mortal Poem by Jayatissa K. Liyanage

Imagery Of A Mortal

Rating: 5.0

Huge granite monument, wayside
Tells the story, high and loud
Passersby to read ‘n mesmerize
Until sun and moon decide...enough!

Upholding the might of her breast feed
Eleven offsprings rising to blues
Treading over her yielding body
clamored loud for more and more

Emancipated physique in destitute
having breathed her last in current birth
yielded to elements for rituals, and
public let the world know, who she was.

Imagery Of A Mortal
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death,parenthood,human and animal
It's true story about a mother who gave birth, nourished, cared and did every thing else as a mother to eleven children, until they could stand on their own feet. As she grew old and feeble, none of them wanted to take charge of her, for, they had no time to do that, and left alone to neighbors' wit.None of them wanted to accept her dead by even, when neighbors took her the hospital at the last moment. If some one can erect a monument in her town.......!
Valsa George 17 January 2016

If it is a singular case, we can set up a monument for her! But unfortunately in the present times, when there are many such mothers callously deserted by thankless children, if we go to erect monuments for them, the entire land will be studded with monuments! An eye opener into the deplorable deterioration of of parent- child relationship!

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Hans Vr 11 January 2016

The crazy rat race of greed and pleasure makes us forget the true values of life. Let us get out of the rat race or remain rats forever. The above is what my emotions provoked in my mind as initial reaction to the story. This story, breaking the heart of the reader is wonderfully penned in a poem. A strong reminder for all grown up children,

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Edmund Strolis 26 December 2015

I am always appreciative of true untold tales that hold such a lesson to those willing to listen, poor unappreciated woman, selflessness and sacrifice and in return she is forgotten by all of these children. You did a great justice to her in telling this story in a poem and in such a manner as to be compelling and heart wrenching.....quite an amazing gift you have.

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Jayatissa K. Liyanage 26 December 2015

Thank you Edmund for your kind words.

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Jayatissa K. Liyanage

Jayatissa K. Liyanage

Walasmulla, Sri Lanka
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