Imprisoned Love! Poem by Sanji-Paul Arvind

Imprisoned Love!

In the shadows of your deepest thoughts,
forever I'll dwell,
Where mysteries shall rise,
And the stories we cannot tell.

Bury me deep within your heart's core,
Which, that soars passion,
Where secrets linger forevermore,
Love shall reside, as in prison.

Born in silence unknown to all,
Hidden from sight, depths unseen,
My love seed, in your heart, it shall fall
The world will never know what it means.

With each layer of earth, I'll find a way,
Though buried deep, I'll never evade,
To sprout anew, with each passing day,
In your soul's embrace, mine resides.

For in the darkest depths of your mind,
As long as breath fills your mortal body,
My presence lingers in you, entwined,
So shall I, unknown to the worldly.

Imprisoned Love!
Friday, May 24, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: Love,heart
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