In Elvenare Poem by Liza Sud

In Elvenare

It's Julia in Elvenare, who
from red french-press drinks coffee.
And then on horse she gallops
to frightful steep of forest.

It's Julia among the trees,
Surrounded by verdure,
Elves are to serve her needs,
and gnomes come help her.

Julia met a prince
with blue sapphire in heart.
In vales on horse they frisk
together on a ride.

The Blue sapphire drops
Ancient words of forecast,
in his heart the sun warms
them at the cold night.


Это Юля живет в Эльвенаре,
пьет кофе из красного френч-пресса.
А потом на коне скачет
до обрыва страшного леса.

Это Юля среди деревьев
в зелени утопает,
Это ей служат эльфы
и гномы ей помогают.

Юля встретила принца,
с синим сапфиром в сердце.
И на коне в долине
едут они вместе.

Древних слова пророчеств
Синий сапфир роняет,
и в его сердце солнце
ночью их согревает.

Friday, November 25, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: fairy tale
Daniel Brick 26 November 2016

In BIG DATA you say your poems are gemstones and that they emit LIGHT. I believe these two fairy tale poems illustrate that illumination. The title seems like an invented word for a magical realm, an elf realm. Things move fast, fall into place, nothing threatens or scares. It's a kind of paradise. The speaker seems delighted to describe so many happy occurences.

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