In My Grief I Am Not Alone Poem by Jona PoloRamirez

In My Grief I Am Not Alone

I seem to be suddenly exposed into an open wilderness
Not knowing which way to go. For a second I thought I died
And just suddenly implanted into this open space, with nothing
To contend with but the cold touch of the wind on my face
Caressing my warm cheeks...

At least a part of my human attribute tells me I am still alive,
And yet around me is a vast horizon of grey and lifeless land.
A moment ago I thought of verdant hills and mountains
Surrounding me, now I am faced with these empty, lifeless hills.
I thought I’d wake myself up hoping this is just a nightmare, but
I must be chiding myself for I am trap within my own imaginings.
In a while I’ll come out of it, just as the sun reveals itself after hiding
Beyond those clouds, then I’ll face my destiny as Penelope is with
Ulysses – a long wait worth going through, its justification an end that
Leads to a new beginning. And thus – a beginning forever worthy,
Worthier than the other life I’ve dreamed...

I welcome each day a foot put forth, a trophy for the day. Whatever
The next step to take, my mind need not worry. The deep heartfelt
pain tossed up in the sky, a symbol of my faith – it comes back to
me In a smile. My heart may have died, yet my mind restored in
time - by a beat of a new song - a change to a better life.
Angelic faces Lined up in my mind, waiting to be danced with,
like the twinkling, Dancing stars. If such a sight can show my heart
To shine, then a welcomed day is worth one foot put forward,
The other - just one that trots by...

And so, these empty and vast lifeless land can turn to
Endless verdant hills, to when I can not name the time,
It will come to me when my heart turns Into an open
Land – of verdant lands - a contrast to this lifeless one..

Inspired by T. S. Elliot’s 'The Wasteland'

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