! In Pursuit Of The Dream Poem by Linda Ori

! In Pursuit Of The Dream

Rating: 3.0

If I could just reach out and grab
That elusive dream of all I seek
Yet with each grasp I cannot hold
It long enough to truly know
The secrets held within

For dreams are like the air we breathe
Unseen but yet they do exist
Somewhere within our inner selves
Reflections of unfinished thoughts
Beyond the lucid mind

I wonder when I dream of you
If you are dreaming of me, too
Existing in this other realm
Too fragile for our daily lives
This life beneath the veil

Where passions rule and we are free
To be ourselves, just you and me
Exploring hidden fantasies
Too rich to share in waking time
We'll live within our dreams

How sweet to know that you'll be there
Each night when I lay down to sleep
I'll close my eyes and there you'll be
To take my hand and walk with me
Until the morning light.

Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr 23 November 2008

THinki have a new name for you, Linda....Mellifluously Metreing Midnight! Can't believe i missed this diamond-chip penning.... Awesome closing stanza... and of course....structure-smoooooooth! You Do Rock, Midnight Blondie! Frankie J./FjR

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Vidyadhar Durgekar 14 May 2008

Dream until the morning light..............sometimes only dreams light us up with the unfinished wish..............nice poem

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Coach Roth 16 April 2008

Your words capture the 'dreams' we have and how we experience them...sometimes so painful and yet not true...sometimes so true and hopefully not painful...nice write...Coach

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unknown Viper 02 April 2008

beautiful poem! .....

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