In The Arms Of A Book Poem by Aadil Hingorjo

In The Arms Of A Book

This book breathed to me a month ago
In an evening of Hyderabad, I got his glimpse
Then the temptation turned into a bond
This book hasn't ended yet
The August is on her slopes
And the book isn't tired of me at all
Its a kind of romantic hangover
I hug him beyond the fixation of time
Yes, I did begin with him formally in night
The next day, I kissed his pages in morning
The noon too candidly happened with him
The same day's evening immersed into his bay
Then I don't know what suddenly happened
I didn't touch him for days
Perhaps I wanted a slim digestion
Perhaps I wanted an unconditional space
Perhaps I thought it's got over
Or I did it to divert my thought
He initially told me the things quietly
By and by as the suns drowned down,
His influence upon me too slowed down
He didn't ask for healthy attention
Nor did I compel myself to smile to him
Just an hour ago he himself opened to me
I couldn't resist this time
This strange initiation enticed me crazily
The surroundings didn't sound anymore
Peacetime began again
I went upstairs
And became excited enough to taste him
He waited for me; I waited for him
Both of us careless, and carefree
Incoherently we clinged to each other
Like the lovers and their beloveds do
When the distance is done, they're restless
Landing lips upon each other, they feel life
The same happened to me just a while ago
"What to Write" made me write once again
His stars revive in me the lyrical lights
I'm filled with free anthems once again
There's a smile on my face
And the cheeks are gracefully spreading
Maybe the book and I are flirting head to heart
Too much, and too harmonious is this hour
The missing I has been doubled
Both sheds and shadows are joining
Seated into the chair, my skin flies high
Right now the half-closed pages gesture to me
Intimacy eyes to my sight
It's unlayering an unstoppable flow
Everything of this evening becomes beautiful
This book announces more rain
I've to go now for I've to bathe in this rain...

Sunday, September 1, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: book,him,peaceful,self,words
Aadil Hingorjo

Aadil Hingorjo

Sanghar, Sindh, Pakistan
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