In The Cinema. For Daniel Brick Poem by Liza Sud

In The Cinema. For Daniel Brick

Write me that we went to the cinema.
"Book of jungle" was on the screen.
It was childish, adventurous, rhyming
With the jungle world we live in.

And then we returned to the garden,
Our warm green nook - gift of God.
And it was eternal, as Father
Told it would be if we were fine.

And we felt - that God is forever,
Everywhere we felt God.
We were talking with Him at present,
in the future and in the past.

We had no problem to see Him.
He had no secrets from us.
We were true to Him - SO SIMPLE.
It was more Light than we can describe.


Опиши, как ходили в кино.
«Книга джунглей» была на экране.
Приключенья, как в детстве, - легко
Рифмовался лес с миром реалий.

А затем мы вернулись в наш сад,
Теплый наш уголок - дар от Бога.
Он был вечный, как слово Отца
Обещало, когда все исполним.

И мы знали, что Бог навсегда,
и повсюду - Его ощущенье,
Говорили с ним прямо сейчас,
И потом, и в прошедшее время.

И Он виден был нам без проблем,
И от нас Он не прятал секретов.
Все ТАК ПРОСТО - хранить Ему верность,
И словами не выразишь Свет.

Thursday, April 14, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: movie
Daniel Brick 14 April 2016

Your poem, dear Liza, makes explicit what my GARDEN SONNETS implied: the garden of both of our poems is a renewed EDEN, with a different cast - you and me. D. H. Lawrence wrote two poems about returning to Eden, but his poems are vexed with conflict. In yours there's a smooth flow from Kipling's re-imagining of Eden in his Jungle Books, through the movie versions, which make the jungle really clean and safe, to your reimagining of a HOMECOMING with God the Father, which restores Adam's rapport God. In Genesis we read, THE MAN WALKED WITH GOD IN THE COOL OF THE EVENING IN THE GARDEN. I love the intimacy of that passage, and the sensory detail of the evening air refreshing both man and God is a sweet touch. In your poem there is even more intimate sharing and casual contact between them. A-N-D you the woman are part of the interplay, in Genesis no woman, not Eve, not Sara, not Rachel has a personal relationship with God. ONLY SELECT MEN DO. I want the Paradise you describe. (BTW there is a Paradise Garden in the GILGAMESH EPIC, which predates GENESIS by at least a thousand years. I included a reference to it in Sonnet VIII spoken by the Angel.) I read somewhere that every garden is a reflection of the Original Garden of Eden. I believe that: my parents were gardeners and it always relaxed and mellowed them to work there on the weekends. Backyard animals became quite tame. My Mom was popular with robins and squirrels! That lack of fear in animals is one sign of the paradise garden. You show that theme of peace in the gentle giving of GOD to both of us,

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