Inches And Punches Poem by Alibo Terna Timothy

Inches And Punches

Rating: 5.0

Down the road- too many potholes
Too many dreams- fleet of a thousand echo'
Hope they get to fly
Hope they get to nest
All we do is try
Hoping for the best
Life they say is a game of inches
And at each wrong step- you get punches
With every moment I breathe
Every seconds I outlive the crunch
I won't stop till I reach a point
Where the rose will be my porch
I will use my storm to reach a greater height
And get better through my every fight
Till I flag in glory
And author my great story
Never to let them see me cry-
Never to ask myself- why me!

Saturday, June 16, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Dr Antony Theodore 18 June 2018

Life they say is a game of inches And at each wrong step- you get punches... till i flag in glory. very good poem with great determination..... you are influencing the reader to become great.. thank u dear. tony

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Chinedu Dike 16 June 2018

Beautiful motivational piece of poetry embellished with poetic rhyme and rhythm. Witty rendition elegantly brought forth with conviction. Thanks for sharing Alibo and do remain enriched.

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