It always felt to me—a wrong
To that Old Moses—done—
To let him see—the Canaan—
Without the entering—
And tho' in soberer moments—
No Moses there can be
I'm satisfied—the Romance
In point of injury—
Surpasses sharper stated—
Of Stephen—or of Paul—
For these—were only put to death—
While God's adroiter will
On Moses—seemed to fasten
With tantalizing Play
As Boy—should deal with lesser Boy—
To prove ability.
The fault—was doubtless Israel's—
Myself—had banned the Tribes—
And ushered Grand Old Moses
In Pentateuchal Robes
Upon the Broad Possession
'Twas little—But titled Him—to see—
Old Man on Nebo! Late as this—
My justice bleeds—for Thee!
Here again she openly questions God and the Bible. This was not done by anyone in the proper American society of her day.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
.....a beautiful example showing one is not entitled to what one may see and desire ★