There is no frigate like a book
To take us lands away,
Nor any coursers like a page
Of prancing poetry.
This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of toll;
How frugal is the chariot
That bears a human soul!
I love books, and a very impressive write, Emily..thank you.. :)
These are words of compelling talk - that of a book. To compare metaphorically a book to a frigate is most joking. How a frigate? Because simply it is huge and bulky, with windows for the thoughts, and a travel so profound as to disturb. The word ‘frugal’ used later is effectively comparing itself with ‘frigate’ earlier on. What disturbs me is the mention of the human soul and its indefinite article, rathe than ‘the’ being a replacement. The human soul is like a land far away, if you know what I mean. It carries a blending of happiness, due to the lack of oppression.
I love this poem so much. it really makes me wiggle and then to cruble to the ground in tears. also is it normal to have a deep atraction to a horse? just asking for a firend!
The chariot of thoughts and wisdom enriches the civilization and lifts the society to the lofty height. This simple poem carries perpetual value and substance.
I luv this poem btw check mi poem out type in trying to hide the tears