Jesus Christ And Him Crucified Poem by Gary James Smith

Jesus Christ And Him Crucified

Jesus Christ and Him Crucified
Lord may that my message be
To lift Him up in conversation
When given the opportunity
To tell of the One who gives Salvation
And turns darkness unto Light
Who can forgive the chiefest of sinners
Offering hope and eternal life

Jesus Christ and Him Crucified
Look to the Lamb of God
Who endured our punishment for sin
According to God's Word
With a love beyond all measure
Dying the Just for the unjust became
And bore our sins on Calvary
Praise God for that blest name!

Jesus Christ and Him Crucified
Be dear to my heart I pray
May I never forget the gift
That my Saviour brought my way
A Resurrection by His Spirit
Bears witness to my own
That praise God I am redeemed
Assured presence at God's Throne

Jesus Christ and Him Crucified
Crown Him with many crowns
Who can change the vilest life
And turn it all around
Where praise emits and glorifies
From a soul that is satisfied
Who has tasted and seen that the Lord is good
Jesus Christ and Him Crucified

Copyright December 7 2018 3: 16 AM

Gary James Smith

Friday, December 7, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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