Jesus Lived With Sin Poem by Gary James Smith

Jesus Lived With Sin

Jesus Lived With Sin

Jesus lived with sin on His mind
But not with sin in His heart

Imagine the life of our Saviour
Who lived... looking forward to the Cross
While the people all around Him thought
Some of His brain cells must be lost
He was on a mission possible
To save the soul's of lost men
While they were always trying to thwart His efforts
The Lord triumphed over them

The woman at the well thought otherwise
When her true heart was revealed
She was bearing about the weight of her sin
That the Lord Jesus Christ unsealed
When she really heard about that water
That would satisfy her eternal thirst
She accepted the Lord's... wonderful forgiveness
And she learned to put first things first!

When you're saved you love to tell others
About the freedom that forgiveness gives
There's joy in the loss of the weight of sin
And there's peace now within to live
An overflowing faith about the love of God
That is found at Salvation's well
Knowing that Heaven is found in a person
In Jesus! ...who doeth all things well!

I've met people that have been changed by Christ
Who still have the joy of the Lord
They're satisfied one hundred percent
Of the truths found within God's Word
They'll gladly admit that they were sinner's
But that through God's amazing... wonderful grace
That when they repented of the sin in their lives
A marvelous change then took place!

And still they are joyfully sharing
That there's life in the Crucifièd One
Holding fast to that firm foundation of faith
That based on the work of God's Son
For the grandest of revelation's my friend
And this is the best place to start
That although Jesus Christ lived with sin on His mind
He had no sin in His heart! ! !

You can be living but dead in trespasses and sin
Your living in darkness's realm
Struggling to find true relief in your life
But Satan is at its helm
You need a Resurrection of life
From the natural to Spiritual my friend
Come now...repent! in the Lord!
And know the joys of being born again! ! !

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright March 28 2021 7: 58 AM

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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