Jjj Poem by Michelle Tiddy


Was this Serendipity? A time for
You for me, this rushing unexpectancy?
I’m not sure where I was going.
I just found a road and followed
What about you?

A chance encounter? Fate? Were we
Meant to love and hate.? To happen
Upon each other and fall headlong.
Into the Abyss of Big Brother.
I’m not sure….

I walked into a house. Just me
Hoping to retain my dignity, all through.
Not meaning to find you, at all.
I tried to stand headstrong.
Unknowingly, I’d fall….

Into your arms. Into your heart
I was lost, right from the start.
A brother, a lover, an inverted me?
I couldn’t believe that you, you!
Could love me.

A chicken, a puppet, a bug?
This was a veritable Love Drug.
Me, just me, how could you
Fancy me? A Bristolian, a wench
Couldn’t be real….

We’d fight, we’d hurt, we’d play
Just living day, by day in this
Play, created for an unknown audience
Would they understand, would I?
Could we learn to fly…

Away from this house, would it last? !
Would our feelings, get a chance
Or would life get in the way?
I’d been hurt, pushed into the dirt
I’d lost, so had you.

I tried to hold my head high, tried
To ignore, when you’d fly
Off the handle with everyone, just
Anyone who ruffled. Those feathers
Of yours. We needed a pause.

We’d stay away. The day would feel
Forever. But like two magnets
We were polarised, I couldn’t
Help but gaze into your eyes
I held your dreams…

In my hands, so tightly
I didn’t want to let go, but
Didn’t want you to know how much
I really felt. My heart would melt
If you repelled.
We’d make our own language.
Talk our lovers talk, walk the walk
Touch and bare our souls. Our minds
I knew yours, you knew mine.
Crazy, this ride.

Slowly we began to learn, to trust
This wasn’t ever lust, but love
Deeper than either of us had ever
Known before. Unparalleled. Undiscovered.
We spoke under the covers.

Then we knew - just knew that
You were for me and I were
For you. We’d try, stop hesitating
Just patiently await the real World
When life would begin.

So my love, are you happy?
Are you dancing on the ceiling
Dreaming and pleasantly reeling
In this real love, this real time
This real us?

Do I leave you wanting more
Do you love me to the core.
As I do you? As I always knew
That I’d found more.. So much more
Than just a friend.

Michelle Tiddy

Michelle Tiddy

Staffordshire, England
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