Just....Ain't In Us....When Its All....Said And Done Poem by James B. Earley

Just....Ain't In Us....When Its All....Said And Done

Author's note:
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."
Inscription - Statue of Liberty

......Statue....of Liberty
America's hypocrisy....
Bigoted asses...huddled masses...deceiving
Litany written at its base
....'Tis indeed but a waste
Nary a word.....people of color....might believe in

.....Would the Nation declare
Why still....is it there....
Once....past rhetoric....dwells that angst....of despair
....We've degenerated to this
Now......morally remiss....
We're literally.....beyond spiritual....repair

.....It's an evil disorder
That claiming of borders.....
Considering it's all...stolen Indian land
.....Built.....on slave labor
Evangelicalism savored.....
Religion's always.....been at the heart....of the plan

...Brown folk...debased
It's materially....about race....
Making America White again....without a doubt
....American hypocrisy's
Sad state....of democracy....
Sunday mornings in the chapels throughout

Degrading....the soul.....of our nation
......Apparently damnation
Ain't in us when its all said and done
The Church....thus surrounded
........Satan's absconded
Woe....to the monster....we've become

.....Morality's....been plundered
On little arms but a number....
.....Children literally...torn apart...from their mothers
America's insisted
......On Germany....revisited
It's....the Nation's....integrity....that suffers

.....Why...are we being..discrete
And not in the streets....
Fighting bigotry....we've known....for so long
....Christianity we claim
We too....they disdain.....
When not condemning...an Administration...gone wrong

....The Church....thus surrounded
Satan's absconded.....
Woe....to the monster........we've become
........Once....the soul of our nation
Apparently damnation.....
Just....ain't in us....when its all....said and done

Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: bigotry,political
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