Where would we go if told to leave
This land where our kidnapped forefathers grieved
For life as it once were
And not as destiny's mind perceived
We have no heritage to call our own
Where could we go if summarily thrown
From this oasis of bigotry and hate
Long....our adopted home
Would our foreign kin whose blood we share
In Africa and Europe.....welcome us there
Will they perhaps the least bit care
If ever we're told to leave
May the God who planned Slavery's plight
Declare aloud...our vested right
To this soil...and grant us strength
........To stand.....and fight
Should ever...we're told to leave
James, You have aquired a fan, your work delights me. I have just pushed my husband in your direction too. Irene
Out-stand-ing! America, for all of its troubles and flaws, is our home for those of us who live here whether white or otherwise, and you are perfectly right: no European, Latin, Asian, or African country from whence we have come would welcome us or care. This is a great tribute to our right to belong here!
James, this is an excellent poem. Besides being very well written and enjoyable to read, the message is outstanding.
Wow! No comment is necessary because your poem needs no puffery. I will try to say something nice though....Most excellent!
A great and touching poem, its inhuman if they ask you to leave, like them you are also a native now.
Such a powerful poem, enlightening indeed. May no country ever feel the need nor the right to remove any people based on the foolish idea 'they are different, therefore they must go'. Great writing.
This is one poem that I took the time to read all responses, Slavery and The Holocaust are two different things that I can't believe, we as human could group together and say that it was OK to follow through with. My hat is off to you, in making people open their eyes as to how cruel this world can really be. It is a poem that I'm saving, so I can keep reminding myself to keep trying to be a better person. May God Bless You James.
A people of such great talents and humanity, would never be told to leave, because it would impoverish this country beyond any hope of repair. There's a breathtaking depth in this sorrowful piece.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
There is a pain beyond words here 'a continued agony' as Fanon would put it. Every person who has left or been displaced knows this terrible pain but you will always have your place. The earth belongs to all.