Just Be Nice Poem by Randy McClave

Just Be Nice

If you are ever looking at me
I will give you a smile just for free,
And if I'm feeling that brave
I'll even give you a wave.
If you're ever entering or exiting a store
For you, I will always open the door,
And if you're behind me in the grocery line
I will let you in front of me to save you time.
If you're in a hurry or in a race
I will let you have that parking space,
Out of anger I will never ever blow my car horn
Out of hatefulness that way I will not warn.
I will always give you a smile
And never will I give you any guile,
And if we bump into each other on the path
I will then give you a laugh.
In me you will not ever find any anger or dread
I never get off on the wrong side of the bed,
Once my mother gave me this free advice
It costs nothing to just be nice.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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