Just One Of The Many Poem by Francis Duggan

Just One Of The Many

He thought of the good times he knew
The passionate loves in his life
And of how he married for love and love only
But now he detests his ex wife.

Out of the property settlement she received most of the money
And their two children he seldom see
Her new husband a Property developer
And high up on the social tree.

He could have married one more faithful
But he went for the beauty instead
And she who mistook love for passion
Forsook him when passion was dead.

He had his flings as a teenager
As many other young males do
But his teenage lovers now older
And all have been through a marriage or two.

He realize that for one in their forties
That women are harder to find
And that as women age they grow wiser
And towards love and romance less inclined.

And that women in their thirties and forties are financially minded
And for wealthy blokes only make a play
And steer clear of fellows on welfare
And those who work for lower pay.

And what chance has he in his forties
Out of work and now on welfare
Of becoming romantically involved with a woman?
He sees life as not very fair.

Our best years are always our young years
And youth of course must have it's fling
And the rose that blooms fair in the sunshine
Will not be around for next Spring.

His young loves now older and wiser
Have learnt from mistakes they have made
And he who once loved with a passion
The high price for loving has paid.

He's down on his luck in his forties
And life not been too kind of late
And he is just one of the many
Who yearns for the love of a Soulmate.

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