Keep Your Laws Off My Body Poem by David Welch

Keep Your Laws Off My Body

You march calling for taxes on
things that you think we should not eat,
tax the soda, tax the chips,
and above all tax the meat!
We point out that you have no right,
you stamp your feet and raise your voice,
utterly convinced that we
should be deprived of our free choice.
We chose to smoke or choose to drink,
aware of the potential risks,
the fact you can't control our acts
just seems to make you more pissed,
then you badger the government,
"Use the law to make them see! "
Mind your business, no one else's,
keep you damn laws off my body.

You claim health care should have no cost,
and be provided without charge
by governments that cannot run
departments for registering cars.
You think I should give up my health
to those power-hungry minds
who lie and drag you through the courts
if you dare to expose their crimes?
They let people suffer so
they can win a few extra votes,
you don't think that they would 'let die'
any ‘inconvenient' sick folk?
Institutions ever corrupt,
and cursed with inefficiency,
have no business treating people,
keep you damn laws off my body.

You claim that every woman should
be able to kill without regret,
as long as it's their own child,
and has not left the womb yet.
Never mind the barbarism,
there is something that I must say:
I'm not part of my mother's flesh,
I've got my own damn DNA!
Some claim it doesn't matter since
I cannot survive on my own,
but neither can a five-year old,
and yet murder is not condoned.
I've never seen the Earth before,
but I'm a unique entity,
You cut me up and say it's fine?
Keep you damn laws off my body!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: abortion,choice,freedom,health,how i feel,political,rhyme,society,truth
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