Kl15. Krishna Drives Out Kaliya From Yamuna Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Kl15. Krishna Drives Out Kaliya From Yamuna


In a lake inside the Yamuna River,
There lived a giant snake of terror,
Kaliya was this cause to shiver.
People were afraid to go near.

It released a poisonous Vapor.
The birds that passed over,
They fell dead into the river.
None came to drink the water.

To give relief to all Krishna,
Also to kill this serpent Kaliya,
A Kadamba tree He climbed,
Into the deadly river, He jumped.

It curled around His body tight,
And made an attempt to bite,
But He managed to wriggle out,
With all His heavy weight.

He caught hold of its tail.
Its grip slowly began to fail.
Krishna freed from its coil.
He made its attempt to bite foil.

He danced o'er its head,
It almost sank, but not dead,
Its wives humbly pleaded,
To their prayers, He heeded.

Meanwhile, where had Krishna gone?
None answered to Yasoda's question.
She fainted from the serpent gas poison,
When into the water she stepped in.

Balarama prevented King Nanda,
Trying to enter the River Yamuna.
Krishna's success He well knew,
As such operations weren't new.

Krishna asked Kaliya to leave,
For the Yamuna River to save,
With its family, it left the place.
It got settled on the ocean base.

Even today there is a faith,
All those taking their bath
In the Kaliya lake once,
They're freed from their sins.

Monday, March 5, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: story
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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