Kl56. What; Vedas Speak About? Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Kl56. What; Vedas Speak About?


When the mind is set material,
The word-sound also material,
Can Vedas, meant for these unreal,
Touch on subjects transcendental?

When the Vedas limits with
Material modes, on the earth,
From Satvo-rajo-tamo, gunas three
Bound ties, how one goes out free?

From the activity, the karma,
From the knowledge, the jnana,
From the upasana, the worship,
Do really Vedas elevate one up?

One answer for these queries,
In the Vedic texts, in fact, lies.
It prepares a conditioned soul,
To reach a higher spiritual goal.

For a consciousness purified one,
An easy go ‘Back to Godhead' then.
Vedas help thus any soul fallen,
To reach the Lord in the Heaven.

The Absolute Truth is but one.
Of everything He's the origin.
His life ends not, nor do begin
But a life-source for everyone.

He's the Creator of senses, mind,
Besides intelligence of every kind.
To tell and elevate all the mankind
What His creations' purpose behind?

The devotional service, a process
To take one to Krishna consciousness,
The best of the Vedic science,
For mankind, it's Godsend source,

The beauty, knowledge, wealth,
Fame, renunciation and strength
In full, each and every opulence,
Krishna possess in abundance.

By one's own self endeavor
It's impossible to conquer,
The material modes of nature,
And attain a spiritual stature.

Krishna, the Supreme Lord,
He's worshiped as the only God
All accept Him existing beyond
The jurisdiction of material world.

From Brahma to an ant down,
Material nature-free is none,
So, to Krishna seeks everyone,
For one's self-liberation own.

Pots or bricks, their shape be,
But from the earth, they came to be,
And to the soil they go back,
At the end, when they break.

Krishna like the mass of earth,
He's the cause for every birth,
That goes back, after its death,
To its known source, it's the truth.

Besides the time and space,
Every mind in its own place
Earth, sky, water, and fire
They're spread everywhere.

These elements, the sum total,
The cosmic manifestation all
From the Krishna's energy superior
It is spread all over, everywhere.

The cause of all manifestation,
And also for all the dissolution,
Krishna is the source of creation,
And of its ultimate annihilation.

His energy presents everywhere,
But He isn't present anywhere,
Like on the sky the Sun is there,
But His rays spread everywhere.

This presence and non-presence,
To some, perhaps make no sense,
But He's eternally so complete
As His energy finds no limit.

The shelter of His lotus feet,
The goal of this highest seat,
Takes always the intelligent,
Upon this path when so bent.

Not in Krishna consciousness,
A person of any worthlessness,
Resembles a bellow of a smithy,
That breathes in and out air filthy.

The codes of conduct, Vedas teach.
The divine truths, they all preach.
Yes, the Lord sitting in every heart,
Do love and care it on His part.

The life is so illusive to escape.
One shall surrender, to give up
The ego, that blinds one's eyes,
And follow Krishna's words wise.

Thus spoke Vedas all the four,
Rig, Sama, Atharva and Yajur,
Glorifying the Lord of Lords,
The Supreme of all the Gods.

Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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