Kms043. Return Tour From Kasi Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Kms043. Return Tour From Kasi


The next visit of Maha Swami
On his return trip from Kasi,
Was to Patna, the Capital City,
Of Bihar State, a beautiful city.

Patna City, otherwise known as
Pataliputra, was historically famous
For its ancient popular universities,
And for its sacred river, Ganges.

After his short stay in that place,
He visited on his way, many places,
Like Gaya, Devghar, Kolkata,
Gorakhpur, Tataagar, Orissa.

In continuation, he visited
Vizag, Kakinada, Guntur,
And on 19/04/1939 as final,
Tirumalai Tirupati Temple.

He came back to his place
After finishing his visits
To various religious spots,
Cities, towns and villages.

Wherever he went, he was given,
By devotees, local administration,
And Royal Kings, a grand reception,
Never before seen by anyone.

He did pujas, gave lectures
On various religious subjects,
Offered food to devotees
And shawls to all pundits.

So to say, his pilgrimage trips
To sacred Kasi and other places
On its way, was a total success
For him in his very young days.

It was due to the charm he had,
As a Mutt Head for what he did,
Even though he was a Sanyasi,
Who had no desires or wants.

In his life time of hundred years,
There were many glorious events,
Which still remain in the hearts
Of millions of his devotees.

He was so famous everywhere,
In India as well as world over,
For he lived as an example,
To be followed by all people.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: story
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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