Knowledge And Understanding Poem by Can I Live?

Knowledge And Understanding

Something confuses me just lately –
The fact that nothing seems true –
Or false, for that matter
And I have learned to have the utmost
Respect for those that understand something
As meaningful as the meaningless –
Those who leave the room full of questions
With answers that are never definitely correct –
A huge shining ball of light hung
In the middle of the room,
Spouting rays of reflected light against the
Blank walls – turning them into polka-dotted walls –
My feet start to dance to the silent rhythm
Of answers – so-very-grey answers
And I wished for a split second that I were home –
Where there is no definite bedtime
And there is no definite reason for anything – at all –
I thought I might slip off my shoes
And feel the sparkling floor on my bare toes
For something this wonderful
Should be felt thoroughly and completely –
As a wire touched directly to a battery –
I left the room with a touch of sorrow –
I could not lay a fingertip on that feeling any longer
And something as fantastic as what is enjoyed
In such a room should be kept locked away –
Used sparingly –
It would so quickly and easily lose its value
If not stored correctly
But there is no expiration date – or shelf life –
For the beauty and knowledge of understanding

Rajaram Ramachandran 01 June 2007

But there is no expiration date – or shelf life – For the beauty and knowledge of understanding These two last lines adorn like a crown and take the entire poem to the height of beauty and knowledge.

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