Kohens Were Given A Tremendous Force: Poem by Liza Sud

Kohens Were Given A Tremendous Force:

Kohens were given a tremendous force:
they should raise up 12 men.
and all the nations should build them a Church
and bring them on their hands to Israel,

But Ioann of Kronstadt could lift up
twelwe men - the whole nation of his homeland.
And people carried him on their hands
and build Naval Cathedral and the Convent.


Коганам сила страшная дана:
Двенадцать человек поднять они должны,
и все народы, чтоб построить Храм,
их на руках должны в Израиль принести.

Но Иоанн Кронштадтский смог поднять
12 человек - народ страны.
и люди на руках своих его несли.
построили Морской Собор и Монастырь.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: glory
Daniel Brick 01 April 2016

I understand the dynamic behind these events: It's a religious imperative to build temple/church/shrine to welcome the God(s) into our world. Of course, this is symbolic: God is the Lord of the Universe but he plays the role of the grateful guest. The suffix of my name relates to this -iel means of God, but the literal meaning is of high places, because that's were Semitic people meet their g-o-d. Like Abraham and Isaac on Mount Horeb, or Moses on the mountain of the Tablets of Law. The sacred buildings bring the Transcendent Being(s) into the human community. I include the plural as we as singular forms of these words: That is, polytheism as well as Monotheism Because I am a human being, and I hold nothing HUMAN alien to me. It's the result of my earliest readings that mythology means as much to me as reading religious literature. And belonging to one religion is insufficient to me: because I want to be open and free to embrace all of humanity, and so, as Shakespeare's Falstaff said, end my catechism.

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