La Version Persane. (Translation) . Poem by Michael Walker

La Version Persane. (Translation) .

Des Persans qui aiment la verite n'insistent pas sur
L'escarmouche insignifiante combattue pres de Marathone.
Quant a la tradition de theatre grecque
Qui represente l'expedition de cet ete-la
Non pas a une reconnaissance simple de force
Par trois brigades de l'infanterie et l'une de cavalerie
(Leur flanc gauche protege par quelques
Petits bateaux en desuetude detaches de la flotte principale persane)
Mais comme un essai grandiose et malheureux
De conquerir la Grece-ils le considerent avec mepris;
Et ils ne refutent qu'en passant
Les pretentions majeures grecques, en accentuant quel renom
Le roi persan et la nation persane
Gagnerent par cette demonstration salutaire:
Malgre une defense forte et du temps adverse
Tous les soldats armes s'allierent ensemble d'une facon magnifique.

- 'The Persian Version'. Robert Graves (1895-1965) .
'Robert Graves: The Complete Poems', p.146.

Thursday, April 20, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: war
The poem in heroic couplets is immediately attractive because of its pleasant-sounding title, with two feminine rhymes, 'Persian Version'.
The Battle of Marathon was fought between Greek and Persian armies in 490 B.C, a battle which the Greeks won decisively and routed the Persian invaders. It was the first time that Persia, under King Darius I, invaded Greece.
Greek theatrical tradition hails this battle as a great, decisive victory for the nation, which it was. The truth-loving Persians, though, despise the Greek tradition and play down their own loss. The Persians are rationalising about the unpleasant truth of defeat, hiding it in cliches, 'all arms combined magnificently together'. It is still human nature, in wars, for losers to play down defeat, while the winners stress their triumph.
The Battle of Marathon is considered a watershed, in that Greece proved for the first time that Persia could be defeated completely.
I think this poem is a major achievement by Robert Graves.
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