În noaptea ceruită-n pleoape,
cu frunze de tăcere
te-ncolăcești de umbra mea
tu, floare a surdei plecări,
și-mi bați în geam
c-o aripă rătăcită
în necuprins de pasăre
tu, inimă,
m-arunci în saltul acrobatic
al zborului din mine,
și-mi ghemuiești tot trupul
în corabia orei
Prin somn de iederă
tu, timp al ninsorii
mă visezi
cum eu o lacrimă de lut
îți dăruiesc
să-ți fie taină.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tear of clay
In the night waxen in the eyelids
with leaves of silence
you're bending over my shadow
you, flower of the deaf departure,
and you knock at my window
with a wandering wing
in infinite of bird
you, heart
throw me in the acrobatic jump
of my inner flight,
and you curl my whole body
in the boat of the hour.
Through the ivy sleep
you, time of snowing
dream of me
as I give you
a tear of clay
to be your mystery.
Highly symbolic. Impressively new, original and poetically attractive and fresh.
Dearest Sandra, the poet, ALICE PUIU, is a great artist...You remember the Italian writer, GRAZIA LOMBARDI? Now she is here, on PH, and she posted already...You can read her poems directly, without me...I try now to convince ALICE PUIU to make account! ! ! Thank you, you give her courrage!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
it touches me really- dream of me as I give you a tear of clay to be your mystery. /// so beautiful
As you can see, I discover talents! ALICE PUIU is the author and, she will join us here on PH very soon...Until then, I translated her wonderful poems...thank you for seeing the beauty which I saw!