Learning From God Poem by Rebekah Gamble

Learning From God

Rating: 5.0

The water is wide
and still like glass,
but it and I share a secret-
undercurrents beneath it's surface.

The river so unforgiving,
so angry and full of rage,
is a master of masks-
if only I could seem so calm!

The breeze runs it's fingers
through my hair,
gentle and kindly-
but it, too, holds a secret.

A temper can be a terrible thing.
A wind can tear up a tree or a home!
If only I were as the wind-
strong and powerful, but controlled.

The mountain is tall
and proud, strong.
The tallest rock tower
gains the most compliments.

However, does the rock think
that the stone at the summit
is more important
than those at the foot?

The moon lights my way,
and I awe at her beauty.
Her white, white face
is full of wonder.

Does she fear her dependence
on the red hot sun,
or lose her pale identity,
by reflecting his warm colors?

Would man but learn from these!
If only it were so!
To be humble, to be controlled,
to be strong and only like ourselves.

Truly, then,
this is God's classroom.
He echoes
in all creation.

Can't you see him there?
In the smile of a friend,
or the gait of a horse?
He is shining from all creation.

If only we could learn from these,
our perfect teachers!
Perhaps we could know the goodness
of the almighty God.

4 march 2oo8

Bill Thomas 21 July 2008

Love it, Rebekah, especially the stanza on the moon... keep it up!

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Rebekah Gamble

Rebekah Gamble

Pittsburgh, Penna., U.S.A.
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