Let Everything Be Still Poem by Amber Glistener

Let Everything Be Still

The day rushes by too quickly,
people stumbling and tripping all a sudden,
its like a conveyor belt,
never stopping,
never waiting,
never slowing down for anyone,
many people rush on by,
without a single glance backward,
things flow out of their mouths,
wretched, fowl, awful things,
they never regret,
they never think,
the things they do,
the things they say,
it makes me want to scream,
how many times I think to myself,
horrible, mean things about them,
but I catch myself,
for those things make me,
as bad as them,
not many people stop,
and watch others hurrying by,
and view the awful things,
they say and do each day,
never stopping,
never thinking,
never praying,
never spending time with the Lord,
and all his glory,
never praising his hallowed name,
never thanking him,
for all the many blessings,
they find each and every day,
many people ask for many things,
things unneeded,
and sometimes they receive them,
but God may have other plans,
and may gift them another gift,
one better for his plan,
or he may stay silent,
and let you walk on the water,
with him,
And when you start to sink,
he will wait for the plea,
then he will gladly pull you back up,
as Jesus did Peter,
all you have to do is ask,
all you need to do is spend time with him,
just a minute or a second,
just with him,
mind and soul focused on him,
Be with him,
soak up his presence,
if you are not one to move through the motions,
then you know God and you try hard,
to follow his commandments,
walk with him,
help navigate others to him,
stop mindlessly going through the motions,
let everything be still,
just rest and be with the Lord,
for if you have none,
then make a quite moment,
just sit and be still,
let everything be still...

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