Life And Love. Poem by Lisa Cresswell Wilkinson

Life And Love.

Rating: 5.0

My life belongs with you
You make my love shine through
And whenever I'm feeling down
You know exactly what to do

You stand solid and strong
You support me so much
When things get so bad
You warm me with your touch

You wrap me up warm
In wool white & cotton
And I feel contentment
That's never forgotton

I am here for you too for the rest of my life
And the pleasure I will have to become your wife

billy bob 28 June 2006

duncan wyllie.. took wat i wanted 2 say: -(! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! lol neway.. i luved your poem.! ! ! ! You wrap me up warm In wool white & cotton And I feel contentment That's never forgotton i luved that phrase of the poem.. ....................................................................................... '.. and i feel contentment that's never forgotten..' breathtaker: -) keep writing i have not much 2 say but i hope you and your soulmate.. stay 2gether each and everyday! : -! debbie: -)

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Duncan Wyllie 30 May 2006

You wrap me up warm In wool white & cotton And I feel contentment That's never forgotton This made it for me on it's own, very lovely sentiments, LUCKY GUY thats all I can say Love Duncan x

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Lisa Cresswell Wilkinson

Lisa Cresswell Wilkinson

Northumberland, England
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