Life Is Incidental Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Life Is Incidental

Life is a ropeway walk on hope
Above turbulent sea of uncertainties
Between invisible intangential worlds;
None know when ropeway snaps,
None know why or where it snaps,
But life chugs forward where it must,
Unmindful of uncertainties open to gorge;
Sea ‘neath in seesaw moves of waves
Waits to sink or lift sky-high to clouds,
Or fell again to dark entrails within;
Yet, hope's ropeway built in confidence
Absorbs all fears and shocks of life
Till hopes snap and pack falls to sea
Of uncertainties to swerve life like twigs,
Left and right and anywhere sea takes
Without a tinge of rhyme or reason
Till life forfairn without a struggle
Yields to what is cosmic dynamics
Of which it is but a sheer nut and bolt,
A handmaid to serve the cosmic process.

World is a dark endless expanse,
Where rays of life do flash, disappear
From somewhere to somewhere else,
None know why and how of it all;
Unknown force in womb of darkness
In unknown dynamics of nature's rules
Play some games to flash life and douse,
How long, and turns embedded within it;
Hope is a tiny deflected life's spark
That induces visions of sturdy sail
While carried piggyback on life's shoulders
And shifts hues as life changes course;
Life is incidental, mere instrumental
Like earth and stone and wood and water
In the mammoth process of creation's wonders;
No fate is there, no cause and effect,
No right and wrong anywhere in nature;
Creation's subtle rules blindly work
And what and how, and where and when
Fall in place to bring creation to work;
Cosmic conscience is beyond it all,
None knows it, for all flows from it,
And certainly it never reveals its soul,
Nor any of life any significance to it.

Life is ephemeral, life is uncertain,
Life is incidental to huge cosmic process.

Monday, June 5, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life,philosophy
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