Life Is Wonderful Poem by Driss Ezzireg

Life Is Wonderful

Rating: 5.0

I wonder why life is so wonderful. Is it
A smile on a baby's face leaving an indelible grace?
A bird's song on a tombstone in a cemetery so alone?
A caring father trying to be father to his son in vain?
A woman giving birth in a sporting house in total mirth?
A soldier's goodbye letter to his loving, waiting mother?
A wind's ruffle of leaves in a tree that grieves
Her miserable condition in a sandy ocean?
A solemn prayer of a sullen priest for his dying creed?
A famined crowd crying out loud their hunger at the
Marketing center?
A loving child looking for pride in his ancestors' fiery, battling grounds?
A tender look at a dog's face on a nice walk on empty space?
All this and much, much more,
Good and bad things galore,
Make this life so wonderful
One wants to drink in cups full
Before one hits furthest shore.

Friday, January 1, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Abderrahmane Dakir 02 January 2016

So beautiful I like it so much, Each your poem is a lesson for me. Thank you Sidi Driss.

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Driss Ezzireg 02 January 2016

Thank you so much Si Abderrahmane.You are so kind.

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