Lk14. Lord Sankara Curbs Ravana's Pride Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Lk14. Lord Sankara Curbs Ravana's Pride


Having defeated his brother
Lord Kubera in the war
Ravana took the Aerial car
Up above the sky, on the air.

Pushpaka suddenly stopped
And near a hill it stood
With no further movement,
To Ravana's astonishment.

"How could this happen?
Is it, this car will listen
Only to Kubera's command?
This thought ran in his mind.

Nandiswara, the attendant
Of Lord Sankara stepped out
And said to Ravana the reason
Why his car failed to move on.

"Lord Sankara, on this spot
Sports with his consort,
So, none can trespass,
O'er this hill by any chance."

Hearing Nandi's words
Ravana became wild
And asked, "Who's this
Sankara among all gods?

"You may be Nandi
Standing like a monkey,
Nearer to the Lord,
As if you're also god."

The word "Monkey"
Hurt badly Nandi
Who cursed the Raksas
"You'll see real monkeys."

"Monkeys will be born
To destroy all your men.
They'll have teeth and claws
For their sharp weapons."

The arrogance of Ravana
Didn't accept Lord Sankara
As the most powerful God
Among gods he had defeated.

He lifted the hill's bottom
With his two strong arms,
To push the hill far away
From his chosen path way.

Pressing His toe Sankara,
Crushed the arms of Ravana,
Who cried aloud like thunder
That caused world o'er tremor.

To get relief from the pain
He sang Samaveda then.
Out of pity, the Lord
Gave him a shining sword.

When Ravana prayed
For long life, the Lord
Gave him remaining lease
Of life sought by the Raksas.

Thursday, April 12, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: story
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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