Long Path Is Ahead Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Long Path Is Ahead

Long path is ahead,
Shadows lengthen,
Dusk is spreading fast
And I feel exhaustion;
Bright road has gone dim,
Figures look like ghosts,
I fail to figure pits
'Neath my feet;
Yet I drag myself
Step on step,
For, my post lies ahead
And beckons me forward;
Steps falter,
Legs fail to hold,
Chill enwraps soul,
But, I move forward;
How long this toil,
How far this drag,
No light to guide,
No warmth to spur.

I look back in horror
The path I travers'd,
Full of hills and dales,
Prone to dangerous slides;
How I reached here,
I myself don't know,
What turns I took,
I remember not;
It's now dark there
Like dark curtain,
I just see outlines
Overlapping each other;
Past is locked door,
Nor I retract there,
Bleak is road ahead,
But I can't stay here;
Day or be it night,
My destiny is ahead,
Fresh or exhausted,
I must drag there.

I must steer through
Obscure terrains,
Where what when pounce,
I'm blind, can't figure;
Nor have I strength,
Nor will to stand up
To fight nature's odds,
What love to trap innocents;
The glimmer from ahead,
Too faint to inspire,
Too uncertain and weak
To drag me forward;
How far it lies,
Anybody's wild guess,
Is it dream or real,
I dare not to judge;
I'm bid to move there,
And I crawl to reach there,
Be it pain or in vain,
I have my duty to it.

I reach or not,
I think not least,
I'm bid to move,
That is all that counts;
I grope in darkness
That enwraps me all round,
And I lay uncertain step
Hoping it is right;
So moves the race
To unknown length,
While waiting for rest
To forget all;
I know not when
All comes to an end
And I rest my head
For eternal peace;
The only star in horizon -
That someday I reach
And break this race
Of unfulfilling toil.

Long is this run
From birth to death,
None tell me ever
Why and heads where;
From dark back to dark,
Twilight inbetween
To stalk my run
For nobody's fun;
All hurdles and chains
Like cobra-hoods
In wait to pounce
Disturb my race;
This much I cover'd,
So much is ahead,
Nothing is scored,
Nothing to score more;
Feeble nut and screw
In the colossus of nature,
I run my length
As nature bids me.

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