Lost Poem by Lilith Van'Nightinveil


Walking, Wandering
Deep in the forest
Mind is blank
I am lost

Don't know where East, West, North or South is
Been going in circles
I quit walking
Sit at the stump of a tree
I try to think threw this haze

I wake with a start
Night time has fell
I stand
Again try to get my barrings
I hear wolves
Close by
I look at the tree
I climb it.

Now safe i doze again
I wake up ate the break of dawn
I hear something not wolves, but cars
Helicopter as well

I stay very I still
My mind finally comes alive.
Their callig my name
Still i say nothing

I remember why i was there
so stressed out, no idea what to do
I ran from my school to the forest

I been here a week
I ran Monday its what now?
Their closer I can hear three of them

I see the helicopter, but don't see me
It come close and closer
I see whose calling my name
Brandon, Breanna
Do they care about me this much?
To come searching for me?

A tear slips out
I look down at myself
Tattered clothes
Been cut in many different places
I look up
If i dont wave the'll fly over me
I move, It caught on of their attention
Pointed to me

They landed somewhere and came running
They look up, talking among themselves
One starts to climb to where i am
Brandon sits in front of me
He stares at my eyes seeing my Pain, Sorrow, and Desperation.
Tells me its going to be ok
I look at him and shoke my head
I have not spoken in days

We begin to climb down
Once on floor level
I get hugged
They tell me they missed me
I turn to hide my tears
Again I was ready to flee

But not
Lead me to the metal bird
Wrap me in blankets
Knew I was never going to be the same
they were going to watch me

When I go home
I went to my bed
And went to sleep
And from that day i would never be lost again

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