Love Dance Poem by D Loveday Morris

Love Dance

Love Dance

My heart burst into laughter whenever my brain mentions you
My thoughts say there is no one quite like you
You are the first my eyes have ever seen
A Godlike earthly man who walked into my life
Now everything is surreal
My hands pinch my skin thinking what a difference
My stomach says this is the best I ever feel
Since you've come around
Everything has been dancing inside My world's turned around

Your wisdom is beyond your years
As you hold my hands I feel your care
You have been there for me like no one ever before
Always wanting more and more of me
Each day with you has been ethereal
You are Godly, patient, strong and kind
A tower of strength yet unafraid to cry
You are all I have ever wanted and all that I need
I feel so blessed to have you in my life

As I think back to that first moment that we met on the dance floor
Who could have guessed that it was a dance of love?
I remember the song now 'What One Dance Can Do' Oh Beres if you only knew!
I love you with every iota of me
And as I write I hear a chorus from all the cells inside my body
There's immense certainty
you are an awesome man, there has never or will ever be one quite like you
You are my friend, my love my spiritual brother, my prayer partner, my confidant and my answered prayer
I love you more with each passing thought
You are an inspiration and a constant source of reassurance and unconditional love
All my organs appreciate you
My eyes are blessed to look on you
My heart beats stronger because of your love
My thoughts are clearer and my brain is wiser because of you

I cannot imagine my life without you
I thank God everyday for you my love
You are my love and now that I think about it perhaps the only unconditional earthly love that I have known
I carry your heart in mine every day
I love you with every beat of my heart

This was written to my love and he responded in Love Dance 2.
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