To me was the world silvery and dull,
All against my golden hope;
And in love there was a stench of silver;
Disappointed thus I sought the index of love.
There stood the canine flock mutually engaged,
As contenders over a silvery bone;
Unaware why and how was the flock there,
Though still social,
But cursed with silvery love.
Then, as a dreamer member I knew
Imminent could be the great precipitation;
My golden dream looked promising and pregnant.
Optimistic and eager, I sought the index of love.
And as air stirred and the tempest rose,
I came to my senses to see the unforeseen;
Behind me stood the scorched hell abandoned;
And the emerald heaven ahead yonder as the goal.
A precious clue was to be the enlightenment however,
That the silver lay collinear between heaven and hell;
And it lay proportionate along the line,
The infallible line of crescendo worth.
Refilled abundantly with an intuitive urge,
And venturing the flock eyes,
fierce and unforgiving,
I kicked the bone of contention,
inert and heavy;
Shifting it an inch along the crescendo line,
Away from hell and closer to heaven.
The magic was done and was never to reverse;
In their midst the flock found the new bone bewildering,
That had turned yellow and into gold.
Bewitched awhile as they resumed sundry rivalry,
No more was I to suffer despair and doom;
For I had noted upon their reified countenance
The oozing golden love so earnestly sought,
Triggered by the gold of the new contention.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem