Love's Labour Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Love's Labour

Universe is an infinite canvas,
Everything of all times in all shapes
Invisible to eyes inherent there,
Like colour shades in light spectrum,
Or delicate curves hidden in stones
Crying for a sculptor to discover them;
Seeds wait underneath the earth
Right time to sprout, flower, bear fruit
While gardener on cue meets their fate
And nourishes and waters to their needs;
It's like the canvas meeting its talent,
It's like the earth fitting in its mould,
It's like tools cutting edges to shapes;
Truths manifest like light from night.

The Earth is thirsty, sky is hungry,
Both desperate to meet and hug each other,
And discover themselves in other's arms;
There lies salvation, their inherent truths,
Natural fulfillment of innate existence;
It's harmony, symphony and procreation,
It's the fuel of celestial progression,
It's how Nature set the world to work;
One is potential at rest to receive and bear,
Other seeks and works to impregnate her.

It's the structure the world is made of,
It's the design how the Universe evolves,
It's the elegance of the light, truth and beauty;
Alas, how then our cursed worlds don't meet,
Why this dichotomy in our love's labour
While we both need and labour for other's arms.

Thursday, April 20, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love,philosophy,life
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