Yes, we both know, my love
true love is elusive in life's journey
As we seek the ethereal with senses material
we are often fraught with doubt as we fill our hearts
with what may be a life of loveless drought
But yet
we struggle to believe
in love found against all odds to achieve
and live with hopeful hearts open
in spite of rising angst in this world of woes
As we live the internal struggle to find the emotional
centering calm of rising tide
born of the stormy realms we ride
To live a life of unwavering trust
with faith in thought of finding love
A love that is told with deep knowing voice
But, now that love has us found – beware
of losing the mystery
For such discovery may easily slip
into depths of misery
As doubts can creep into mind
from others who know not
love's bold voice from on high
Others who cast the blight of
their dark lonely nights
like an evil veil
over your heart’s loving eye
So they may blind your heart to the light
and the wonder of love's new sight
And, if either you or I
be seduced by such a jaundiced lie
we will again stand alone
as we sadly witness
our return to lonely domain
seeking love in this worldly terrain
living like two lonely love poems
filled with endless refrain
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem