when it comes to love
I often reflect on Rumi’s love poem:
“The minute I heard my first love story,
From padded window seat inside café
cup of tea warms my hands
cold winds shuffle sidewalk leaves
Two tables away sit two men
The word went out - “For $75 you can take a workshop with Billy.”
High Noon, fifteen of us gather at a table beneath a shade tree near the sea.
The ancient room is austere—walls of faded white paint
floors of variable width lumber—milled locally—years of wear
a long pine table hosts stained patina of many generations
ladder-backed chairs surround—a few spares on the side
From whence rain sprung
tis a mystery
how it flows through all life
from beginning of eternity
one day
of new snow
a lone gray-brown dove
swoops in for a swallow
my eyes devour you – you tease my salivating tongue as it rolls
to fathom your form – the flow of juices anticipate your bitter, your sweet, your sour, your salty, your unami
I contemplate a chew on you
When it comes to football
it's all about the ball
it's got nothing to do with skill
or giving our fans a thrill
Woe, woe, woe, is me
my life such a tragedy
Woe, woe, woe is me
such is my sad, sad history
Yes, we both know, my love
true love is elusive in life's journey
As we seek the ethereal with senses material
we are often fraught with doubt as we fill our hearts