'Love' Should Be Your Name Poem by Donald R Wolff JR

'Love' Should Be Your Name

I see you little puppy
Hiding in the window over there
You wag that little tail
Like you are fanning the fresh air

If you want me for a playmate
Don't be shy, come on over here
Come to the window
So I can play with you from here

Now there little puppy
It is time for me to go
My mom is making dinner
I really have to go

But tomorrow is a new day
And I will be here once again
You are my little buddy
We are the best of best of friends

Where is my little puppy
Where did my best friend go
Won't somebody tell me
I really need to know

I just met him yesterday
And he is gone, I have a fear
Where is my little puppy
Why is my little friend not here

It is a sad day
I don't want to be alone
All I have is homework
I don't want to go on home

I want my little puppy
I wanted to just play
Now I have no one
This has become the saddest day

What is that in our doorway
No-way, it can't be him
My tears are running happy
This is my new fur found friend

My mom bought me a puppy
The same one in the window pane
I love you little puppy
I think 'Love' should be your name


'Love' Should Be Your Name
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